Pound Corner • Wangford • NR34 8RS
… your award winning, independent small animal practice

The night before the procedure

  • Give your pet their food around 8pm and then DO NOT give ANY food to your pet after 9pm.  (This includes treats and milk).
  • Water may be left down overnight, but should be removed first thing in the morning.
  • Cats should be kept in overnight and provided with a litter tray.

The morning of the procedure

  • Do not feed ANYTHING this morning. This is to reduce the possibility of vomiting whilst under anaesthetic.
  • Take your dog out on a lead to give them the opportunity to go to toilet. 
  • Make sure they are clean and dry prior to admission. This can help prevent wound infections.  
  • We may need to contact you during the procedure or to discuss results. Please be prepared to leave a contact number where we can reach someone at all times. 
  • On arrival at the surgery you will be asked to sign an anaesthetic consent form. Please read this form carefully and advise of any other treatment required whilst your pet is under the anaesthetic e.g. dental, micro-chipping, nail clipping, grooming, ear cleaning etc.

Pre-operative blood tests - If you have a dog or cat that is being admitted for a procedure that requires a sedation or anaesthetic, you will be offered a pre-op blood test. This test allows us to check your animal does not have any pre-existing liver or kidney problems that we may not be aware of especially if they are in the early stages and have no symptoms. The test also assesses their red blood cell count to ensure they are not anaemic. We particularly recommend pets over 7 years old to have a pre-anaesthetic profile which costs  £65.00 and over 10 years of age a comprehensive profile plus T4 

Micro-chipping – is offered at a discounted price if carried out at the time of the procedure.

Home time

  • We normally ask you to ring at 2 pm to get an update on your pet and a time for collection. 
  • Please ensure you have made arrangements for someone to keep a close eye on your pet the evening they come home from their procedure.