Pound Corner • Wangford • NR34 8RS
… your award winning, independent small animal practice

Prescriptions are available from this practice.

You may obtain relevant medical products from us OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or pharmacy. Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe relevant veterinary medical products only following a clinical assessment of an animal under his/her care. A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an inpatient or immediate treatment is necessary. 

You will be informed on request of the price of any medicine that may be prescribed for your animal. 

The general policy of this practice is to re-assess an animal requiring a repeat prescription for supplies of relevant veterinary medicinal products every 3 months, but this may vary with individual circumstances. The standard charge for re-examination is £56

From the 1st February 2024 the standard charge for issuing a prescription to be filled elsewhere is:

£20 for a NON controlled medication prescription -  up to 2 medications before additional fees incurred. This will be emailded to your chosen pharmacy 

£25 for a controlled medication prescription - this is per medication. This will be posted onwards to the your chosen pharmacy and will be filled in instalments. 

£30 for a NON controlled prescription of more than 2 medications. This will be emailed onwards to your chosen pharmacy. 

Further information on the price of medicines is available on request.