In some circumstances, there may be occasions where you end up with a surplus/unwanted products or medication or that unforeseen to your vet, your pet cannot tolerate. With some types of medications or large quantities, this can end up being quite a large cost. We often are asked if we are able to refund and/or reuse this.
Sadly, we are not able to refund or reuse medication or veterinary diet foods that have left the building due to the inability to provide proof of the storage conditions.
Nearly all medications have storage conditions that take into account temperature, light, position and humidity. Whilst we do completely understand that it is highly unlikely that these conditions have been breached, we cannot provide evidence of the chain of storage conditions outside of our control, should we be able to reuse the medications for another animal.
From wholesaler to the practice and whilst in the practice the storage conditions are monitored and recorded. This security stops as soon as the drugs leave the building.
We take your pets health very seriously, so as a licensed supplier of veterinary medicines governed by The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Medicines Doctorate we are unable to accept returns of prescription medicines that have been prescribed to your pet.
This is to ensure the safety of the animals involved, as items must have been stored incorrectly or, whilst unlikely, tampered.
We are not able to reuse, resell or donate the medications to charity either, for the same reasons as described. Whilst we understand that this is frustrating, we hope you can understand why these regulations are in place.
We do always suggest that you make sure medications are ordered/purchased in sensible or realistic amounts to try and prevent a stockpile building up that could be wasted.