Paw PrintsChristmas.pdf
Christmas 24/25
Opening times, Santa Paws Appeal, Christmas Dangers and lots more.
Paw_PrintsChristmas.pdf uploaded 02/12/2024 12:43
Newsletter Summer24.pdf
Paw Prints Newsletter
Newsletter_Summer24.pdf uploaded 25/07/2024 13:05
Spring/Summer 2024 newsletter.jpg
Reducing the stress of bringing your cat to the vets, nurse clinics, keeping your pet cool over summer and much more
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Small Furries Pre-Op Instructions.pdf
Prior to the procedure
Small_Furries_Pre-Op_Instructions.pdf uploaded 19/03/2024 09:15
Welcome to our new team members Emra and Catherine. Antibiotic Amnesty and lots more
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Equal Employment Opportunities Statement
Our equal opportunities statement
Equal_Employment_Opportunities_For_All.pdf uploaded 27/01/2024 02:25
Newsletter christmas 23(002).pdf
Our Santa Paws Appeal, Understanding Arthritis in aging pets, Meet our Reception Team and lots more.
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SeptNewsletter (003).pdf
All the latest news from Wangford Vets
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Welcome Pack for Website.pdf
Welcome to Wangford Veterinary Clinic
Welcome_Pack_for_Website.pdf uploaded 16/05/2023 09:31
Autumn 2022.pdf
Meet our new team members and find out about whats new at Wangford Vets
Autumn_2022.pdf uploaded 09/11/2022 11:43
Blood donor registration form
Blood_donor_reg_form.pdf uploaded 04/07/2022 01:43
Spring PawsPrints 2022.pdf
Strutt Your Mutt Charity Dog Day - Benacre Estate
The Pet Hub Directory and loads more...
Febnews2022.pdf uploaded 10/02/2022 14:59
Autumn-Winter Newsletter2021green.pdf
Autumn Newsletter
Meet our veterinary surgeons, online services, fleas, fireworks and more
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Newsletter Autumn 2020
Paw Prints Newsletter Autumn 2020
Forbidden Fruits, New Vets and Nurses, Online Shop and loads more
Newsletter_Autumn_2020.pdf uploaded 08/09/2020 16:24
First Aid Booklet.pdf
Emergency First Aid for Animals
Written by the Wangford Vets team
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Spring Newsletter.pdf
Spring Paw Prints Newsletter
Spring_Newsletter.pdf uploaded 03/03/2020 17:07
Paw Prints Winter Newsletter 2019 Includes Santa Paws, Festive Pet Dangers and the new Pet Hub Directory and loads more.
News2019.pdf uploaded 04/12/2019 11:53
Paw Prints Newsletter
Paw Prints Autumn / Winter 19 Newsletter
AutumnWinterNews_(1).pdf uploaded 17/10/2019 16:56
Health Club Comparison
Furry Friends Health Club Comparison Leaflet
FF_Comparison_Lflt.pdf uploaded 30/07/2019 13:46
Diarrhoea and Vomiting Leaflet
What should I do if my dog has Diarrhoea and Vomiting
V&Dlflt.pdf uploaded 30/07/2019 13:44
Pet Health Club Application Form
Application Forms
Download your Furry Friends Pet Health Club Application Form plus Terms and Conditions
Application_Form_2021.pdf uploaded 30/07/2019 13:28
Summer 2019 Newsletter
Newslettersummer.pdf uploaded 30/07/2019 13:24
Paws Prints
See all the latest practice news and much more
SpringSummer2019.pdf uploaded 24/04/2019 15:08
NewsletterAutumn2018 (1).pdf
Staff News, Awards, Meet Rusty, Ask a Tortoise Vet and lots more
NewsletterAutumn2018_(1).pdf uploaded 26/09/2018 12:27
Tick aware A5 leaflet (1).pdf
Keep Your Pet Safe - Be Tick Aware
Tick_aware_A5_leaflet_(1).pdf uploaded 19/07/2018 11:22
Summer Newsletter 2018
The danger of sticks
Keeping on jump ahead to avoid flystrick and lots more
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spring2018_Page_1 (1).jpg
Paw Prints Spring 2018
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Late Autumn.pdf
Late Autumn Newsletter
Late_Autumn.pdf uploaded 05/10/2017 13:05
Long Time No WC-BAsquith.pdf
Long Time No WC by Brian Asquith
Written by Jill's father, this is the true story of five years as a prisoner of war and gives an insight into the feeling and
comradeship that existed throughout the camps.
Please feel free to download a copy, but please make a donation to the Suffolk Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal via our Poppies on 4 Paws page at the same time.
Long_Time_No_WC-BAsquith.pdf uploaded 15/09/2017 00:57
Autumn 2017 Newsletter
Advice on important topics for the Autumn
Autumn2017.pdf uploaded 04/08/2017 04:40
Spring/ Summer 2017 Newsletter
Great advice on a range of Summer topics including travelling with your pets, pet allergies and how to recognise and respond to heatstroke
SpringSummer2017.pdf uploaded 04/08/2017 04:38
Flea and Tick check voucher
Download our voucher for a free flea and tick check with our nurse.
fleavoucher-1.pdf uploaded 10/07/2017 13:40
Flea fighting flyer
Download our flyer with information and advice for preventing flea infestations and treating them if they occur
fleas.pdf uploaded 10/07/2017 13:39
Paw Prints Winter/Spring 2017
NEWSLETTER.pdf uploaded 12/01/2017 09:00
Winter 2016 Newsletter
Read our latest news and get tips and info for your pets over the winter months
winter2016.pdf uploaded 25/11/2016 13:23
Autumn 2016 Newsletter
Find out our latest staff news, things you can do to help your pet over the firework season and more.
autumnnewsletter.pdf uploaded 07/09/2016 14:08
Summer 2016 Newsletter
Advice on safely enjoying the beach with your dog, how you can help Hearing Dogs for the Deaf by collecting used stamps and more...
summer2016.pdf uploaded 13/06/2016 14:22
Winter 2015 Newsletter
Brrr! Now that the cold weather has arrived we need to take special care with our pets
Plus are you familiar with the change in the Microchipping Laws?
Santa Paws Christmas Roadshow and much more …..
winter2015.pdf uploaded 04/11/2015 11:14
Autumn 2015 Newsletter
Read about out sponsored beach walk in October to raise money for a public access defibrilator and find out more about arthritis in pets.
autumn2015.pdf uploaded 16/09/2015 10:12
Summer 2015 Newsletter
Advice on topics specific to the care of your pets over the summer months
Summer-b.pdf uploaded 05/08/2015 15:57
Winter 2014 Newsletter
Our winter newsletter with advice on winter poisoning risks and other cold weather topics
Winter2015-b.pdf uploaded 05/08/2015 15:55
Spring 2015 Newsletter
An introduction to our new K-Laser treatment - the drug free, surgery free solution and other useful information
Spring2015-b.pdf uploaded 05/08/2015 12:13